Roofing is now complete. Also, have plumbing vents and kitchen stove vent in place thru the roofing. Installed firing 2x12s around the cement openings for the windows: complete with sealant and window flashing tape. Windows are being installed. Almost all the windows installed, including in the clear story. The windows are recessed in from the outside of the house by about 2 inches. All the time we spent to get the window opening square and true really paid off. The was very little shimming to do when we installed the firing and the windows. We also, oiled the wood that is exposed under the eaves and I am working on sanding and oiling the wood post and beams on the porches. Another task has been stapling the paper to the plywood that the siding will be nailed to, we are trying to keep the house dry. Having windows in the house makes a big difference in the air flow. Below are some current pictures.